Lab File Trouble

This lab is to be done on your own.

Create a python program that does the following:

Submit this program two ways:

Use this as the text file to be read. Save it to your computer and unzip it.
Do not modify the contents of the elements.txt file in any way once unzipped.

Note: I get questions regularly like "Why does the file look like one, long line?".
Answer: There is a difference between Windows and Unix/Linux/OS X regarding like breaks in a text file.
Windows requires a CR LF character to denote a new line. Unix/Linux/OS X only needs the LF character
to denote a new line. So the file looks like a single long line in Windows, but does look have individual lines
on the Mac running OS X. Your Python program will work properly on both operating systems with no
changes needed to the file.

Screenshot needs to show your program running twice, once with elements.txt and again with the file missing.
The screenshot should look like this: